The French Connection at the Wikimania 2017 Hackathon
A month ago, Wikimania 2017, the annual conference of the Wikimedia movement, took place in Montréal. The event started by a hackathon, a great occasion to meet wikimedians and discover the Wikimedia technical ecosystem. This post presents some works made by French wikimedians during the hackathon.

Participants of the Wikimania 2017 Hackathon (photo by VGrigas (WMF), CC BY-SA 3.0).
Ash Crow rewrote DataDrainer, the Wikidata gadget that allows to massively remove labels, descriptions, aliases, and sitelinks from an item.
Auregann and Kvardek du worked on the Wikidata documentation, improving it and translating it into French.
Harmonia Amanda met multilingual wikimedians to translate the most-used items in Wikidata, especially in regional languages when possible.
Léna started to code a tool making easier to browse Wikimedia Commons categories by displaying the best image of each subcategories. The work is still in progress.
PierreSelim took a lot of nice photos of the event. Soon on Wikimedia Commons? 😉
Tpt worked on Proofread Page, the Mediawiki extension used in Wikisource to display and easily compare two versions of a text. He refactored the extension, to prepare Wikisource to have maybe one day structured data. He also helped me to make my first commit on Mediawiki software used on Wikimedia projects (just correcting a message in English, but that’s a first step!).
Vigneron prepared the ongoing Wiki Loves Monuments contest, helping to map and import some parts of the Heritage monuments database into Wikidata.
I made a tool named Transl-a-thon, reusing the name of the workshop held by Kvardek du, Pymouss, and Vigneron at this Wikimania, to help finding items that needs to be translated in Wikidata. I also translated into French the graphic representing the data model used in Wikidata.
Many thanks to the hackathon organization team and all the volunteers. I forgot you? Send me a message!